Our Beliefs

THE BIBLE is God's message to man, recorded without error in the original manuscripts.

THAT GOD exists in three distinct persons who are the same in nature but distinctive in functions: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit-Tri-Unity.

THAT MAN is created in the image of God.

THAT JESUS CHRIST, the eternal Son of God was born of a virgin, literally rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, is undiminished deity and perfect humanity permanently united in one person. It was through His sacrificial death on the cross that He removed once and for all the barrier of sin between God and man.

SALVATION is the unearned gift from God to any man who will receive in dependence the provision that Christ's death is the sufficient and necessary requirement for eternal life.

THE HOLY SPIRIT is a person who permanently indwells every believer from the moment of salvation. He provides every believer with gifts for service and with the fullness of God's power to make him adequate for living. As he acts in dependence upon the Spirit, he will progressively grow into maturity.

THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH is the visible expression of God's kingdom in this age and is distinct from Israel. Membership in it is based solely upon a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

THE LOCAL CHURCH is an assembly of believers gathering together in communion with each other to give visible expression of Jesus Christ's body to their community and to stimulate growth in each other's lives.

THE HOLY ORDINANCES are to be observed commemorating Christ's works for the church: Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Baptism is practiced by individuals as a symbolic expression of personal identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. The Lord's Supper is practiced corporately as a symbolic reminder of His provision for salvation for the church.

2110 Bethsaida Road Riverdale, GA 30296

(770) 991-7080 • cfcbaptist@bellsouth.net

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