Christian Education Ministry

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (II Timothy 2:15)

The mission of the Board of Christian Education is to supervise and administer the entire education program in the church on the basis of Baptist policy and practices. The Board of Christian Education has been designed to spiritually educate the body of Christ. This ministry is the umbrella for several aspects of Christian education, which includes Sunday School, New Members Orientation, Vacation Bible School and Bible Study.

Sunday School

The Sunday School Ministry serves as a channel to spiritually educate both adults and children using the Word of God to relate to our everyday lives, teaching us how to cope with situations or circumstances that arise.

New Members Orientation

The New Members Ministry serves as a channel to reach out to our newest converts, to begin fostering spiritual growth as they start out on this walk with Christ. It orientates them to receive an understanding of what takes place as they become a part of the body of Christ. The ministry offers four classes that includes the Church's History and Vision, as well as lessons of discipleship and being a faithful steward in Christ.

Bible Study

The Bible Study Ministry serves as a channel to help both adults and youth using the Word of God to apply the truths that they are learning and to help them learn to understand the scriptures. It also trains people to study the Bible better, since it teaches them to ask questions which help them understand what is going on, what is being said, and how that relates to the rest of the passage.

Contact Person: Dea. Alton Bryant

2110 Bethsaida Road Riverdale, GA 30296

(770) 991-7080 •

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